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.nz domain names available

It's the first time that 'second level' domain names are going to be available, and it's happening NOW. CONTACT US TO PRE-REGISTER YOUR .NZ DOMAIN NAME TODAY, at the same annual domain registration cost as your .co.nz domain.

Several reasons why .NZ domain names are now available:

  1. The first reason is simply that there will be more choice with .nz domain names!
  2. Another reason is a more representative domain name for you as an individual. A lot of people have .co.nz domain names and they're not businesses, so having just the .nz domain could be a better option for many. However, I would recommend registering the .co.nz as well, to avoid confusion for people trying to find your website, at least initially.
  3. A .NZ domain name also offers you a shorter option for your website address. This is also handy if you want to use your domain name for your email address, for example, you could email me at [email protected], rather than the longer [email protected].
  4. With the launch of available .NZ domain names New Zealand also align ourselves with other countries that have already have made this change. Other second level domains have already become available, such as .co and .org, where you can register, for example: activatedesign.co and activatedesign.co.nz.

domain names concept image

Pre-register your .NZ domain on a first-come-first-served basis!

All domains will have a status level, that will let you know whether the domain name is available, conflicted, or if you have PRR status. Click here to do a Domain Status Check.

  • Available to register!
  • Conflicted: meaning that it has likely been registered in at least two-second levels - e.g. someone holds (domainnames.co.nz) and someone else holds (domainnames.org.nz). There is a simple online conflict process that you can undertake to try to get your .NZ domain name.
  • PRR Status : "Preferential Registration or Reservation status". If your domain has PRR status you have until 1 pm, 30th of March to register, or your .NZ domain will become publicly available.


4th September 2014 - Pre-Register your domain. From the 4th of this month, you can pre-register available and eligible PRR (Preferential Registration or Reservation) domain names. CONTACT US to pre-register your .nz domain name today!

30th September 2014 - Register your domain. From the 30th you can register available .nz domains on a first-come, first served basis. If you have a PRR domain name (ie. you already own the .co.nz or similar) you'll be able to register it or reserve it for free for up to two years.

30th March 2015 - PRR Domains Available for General Registration If, before 30th March 2015, you have not registered your company's domain name (ie. you own domainnames.co.nz, but have not registered domainnames.nz) then your .nz domain will become available for general registration to the public.

Posted in Graphic Design

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