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Activate Design Limited

logo design for monster fun auckland



Monster Fun is a large indoor children's playground in the Auckland region of Snells Beach.
They asked us to design a exciting logo and monster mascot to represent their business and that kids would love.


jon tarr profile picJon Tarr - Design Commentary
I began by sketching out custom lettering for a emblem-style logo that will resonate with kids. I drew the lettering thick and chunky with straight edges — as a monster might carve out of rock.

These letters were bunched together in a fun, 3D format over a oval backdrop, like a kids comic logo or candy bar. This gives the logo a defined shape to work with as my intention was to have the monster mascot holding the logo — and hiding behind it in a variety or ways.

For the mascot monster, I designed a happy little fun character that kids will love. He’s got a big head, a single, large, expressive eye and a wide gaping grin (with occasional drool). Claws on hands and feet make it easy for him to hold things or hang upside-down. Other features include pointy ears, a horn, a tail and a funny beard. These items give plenty of fun options for sticking out behind things. I developed a thematic here for the identity — monsters hiding everywhere!

logo design for monster fun auckland

logo design for monster fun auckland

logo design for monster fun auckland

logo design auckland for monster fun

auckland logo design for monster fun

logo design auckland for monster fun


“Hi Jon, what can I say? You are amazing hahaha I love it, the colours are perfect. I wouldn't make any changes!” 

Francisca San Martin - Monster Fun