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Office: 205 Durham Street (top floor)
Christchurch CBD 8011
PO Box 3871, Christchurch, NZ

Enquiries: 0800 30 8996
(03) 964 5305 - Reception
[email protected]

Web Support:
(03) 961 1106 - Support
[email protected]


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Activate Design Limited

Logo Design Dunedin

Activate your identity with expert logo design in Dunedin

Since 2003, Activate has designed authentic logos for Dunedin businesses in every industry. Our logo design specialist excels at designing distinctive, impactful identities that convey your brand’s unique message. Whether it's for law firms, restaurants, or children’s play centres, we create logos that deliver lasting value for your business.

logo design dunedin
Why choose us for logo design in Dunedin?

  • Ownership Value: Don’t settle for a generic, template logo for a business which you are working so hard to succeed. Get an authentic, tailored logo crafted by our specialist. We’ll create a unique and memorable identity that is truly yours.

  • Tailored Approach: We handle your project in-house with no outsourcing. Our designer works directly with you for a personalised approach, tailored to your business. We are a Kiwi owned and operated company and deliver efficient, consistent services.

Strategic Design: Good logo design goes beyond mere appearance. We craft logos that are not only visually appealing but strategically impactful. A design that sets you apart within your specific market and communicates your unique message. 

Proof of Work: See for yourself — view our successful logo design projects. We also offer a variety of services to further enhance your branding efforts. We've been working for businesses in all parts of New Zealand since 2003. So we must be doing something right!



Get started with logo design in Dunedin today

Your logo is the heart of your brand and a small investment today will yield significant, on-going returns for your business.
If your business deserves something better than a meaningless template logo, let us design one that truly represents your brand.