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Office: 205 Durham Street (top floor)
Christchurch CBD 8011
PO Box 3871, Christchurch, NZ

Enquiries: 0800 30 8996
(03) 964 5305 - Reception
[email protected]

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(03) 961 1106 - Support
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Activate Design Limited

Logo Design Nelson

Show your identity with bespoke logo design in Nelson

Activate has been creating original logos for businesses in Nelson and in all industries in New Zealand since 2003. Our logo design specialist creates unique and memorable logos that visually communicates your brand message. Whether it's in construction, tourism or hospitality we design logos that return lasting value back to your business.

logo design nelson
Activate is the number one choice for logo design in Nelson

  • Brand Ownership: Your Nelson business deserves more than a cheap, cookie-cutter logo when you’ve invested so much into your success. Let us create an authentic tailored logo that reflects your brand’s unique identity. A design that you can truely call your own. 

  • Personalised Process: All our work is done in-house, ensuring every project receives our personal attention. Our designer works closely with you to deliver a fully tailored solution that aligns with your specific business needs. As a proud Kiwi-owned company, we’re committed to providing reliable, efficient service every step of the way.

Strategic Design: A good logo is a communication device for your business. Our designs don't just look good, they're also strategically aligned with your market. Each logo is thoughtfully crafted to stand out and effectively communicate your specific message.

Proven Results: Explore our portfolio  to see how our designs have supported the success of other businesses. Beyond logo creation, we provide a wide range of related services to support your brand. We’ve been trusted by businesses across New Zealand since 2003, demonstrating that our approach consistently drives results.



For logo design in Nelson contact us today

Your logo is the foundation of your brand and investing a little now can provide lasting value for your business forever. 
If your business deserves something more than a forgettable, meaningless design, let us create a logo that truly represents your business.