Hosting. Domain Names. Emails. Support.
Activate offers a dedicated web-hosting service called ActiveHost. We have known for the past 20 years that to provide the level of web stability that our customers need — we had to manage our own web-servers.
A critical aspect of running a website is your hosting platform and this extremely important area which is often overlooked by businesses seeking a new website. The reason hosting is overlooked by many is because at the time of getting a website the focus is the actual website project itself and not the hosting platform it operates on. When the new site is launched and is working fine — it's simply forgotten about.
Website hosting often isn’t given a serious thought until something goes horribly wrong. We’ve had so many clients come to us for hosting who have expressed this exact situation; ‘I just had NO idea about the importance of hosting!’
Wherever your business is located, our ActiveHost system will take a daily backup of your site, plus we take a disaster recovery backup of our entire server every day. So we can roll back a customer's website to the most recent backup in the event of something small going wrong. Or we can restore our entire server easily if something big goes wrong.
We have an online support ticket system and tech staff available to call for all email and website tech support.
Understanding Domain Names
Domain names are possibly one of the most poorly understood areas in our industry. Yet they are also the leading cause of a website and email problems for many people. But avoiding these issues is simple and just a little bit of knowledge about domains can save you a lot of annoyance and frustration.
• Domains only work for the exact period of time for which they are registered.
• When a domain expires, anything relying on the domain ceases to function. i.e. your website and emails.
• Domains only renew upon payment cleared. Credit-card payments are instant. Bank-transfers are not.
• Once an expired domain is renewed (or 1st registered) it takes a period of time (up to 24hrs) for it to take effect across the internet.
• You are responsible for your domain and it is up to you to decide if you wish to renew.
• Best practice is to take action when you receive a domain expiry email. If you want to keep your domain, simply pay the domain invoice with ample time before expiry.

Watching this simple, 3 min video could save you a huge amount of time and money when it comes to domain names.