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Activate Design Limited
software development for Scottech








Scottech is the largest privately owned provider of environmental monitoring equipment and services in New Zealand. 


Activate has developed a huge range of software solutions for them to accelerate their business. 

TIME RECORDING SYSTEM. Smartphone interface to log in and record comprehensive information on jobs; time spent, materials and resources used. Travel time, breaks, task completion status. This includes a digital calendar board so staff can view who has been assigned specific jobs. - Admin staff can view these entries, mark as transferred to back office systems such as payroll. Generate a variety of reports based on time and travel. Add / suspend / remove staff, vehicles and time codes and edit the calendar board. 

CRM AND ENQUIRY TRACKER. Client list and potentials who have placed enquiries along with their contact details. Enquiry details such as the type of job and who received it, who it has been assigned to, supporting resources and current job status. Enquiries can be filtered and comprehensive reports exported based on a great many criteria. 

ISSUES TRACKER. An internal system for tracking job issues such as who the issue was identified by, the source, details of the issue  and details of corrective actions taken. These can be updated until the issue is marked closed. Reports based on date and issue status can be run and exported. Staff can only view issues they are assigned / associated with.

software development for braziers









Braziers is one of New Zealand's largest property management companies. 


Activate developed custom web software solutions to make their listing operations a lot more streamlined and efficient. 

Braziers website publishes property listings to TradeMe and Realestate.co.nz using respective API’s. 

Individual staff can login and access their listings yet not have access to unrelated sections of the website. Different factions of the business can access different areas of the site.

Sign up forms on the website feed into a system which performs hourly checks for freshly listed rentals and notifies subscribed customers when one matches their requirements.

Comprehensive functionality developed for property listings. Such as; The ability to output property information to a variety of .PDF templates for emails and flyer printing. Collecting info from sales agents and generating consistent looking marketing documents via a web interface. 

app development for skool loop


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app development for sidekick


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We have a proven record of developing apps and web software that works.