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Activate Articles

Some of our insights into topics surrounding our industry; Website design & graphic design trends and mobile app development. Artificial Intelligence (AI) topics. Digital Marketing tips. The latest in Search Engine Optimization you can do yourself etc.



Web Design Trends 4 July 2024

The Benefits of Using Video Content on Your Website

In today's digital age, video content has become a crucial element for websites aiming to enhance user engagement, improve SEO, and drive conversions. As the internet becomes increasingly visual, businesses that leverage the power of video can enjoy significant advantages.

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Web Design Trends 26 January 2024

Intelligent Design: Harnessing the Power of AI for Your Website

Unravel the ways in which AI is utilised to elevate websites, making them not only interactive platforms but intelligent companions that cater to user needs with unprecedented precision.

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Web Design Trends 26 January 2024

Embracing Dark Mode: A Design Trend That's Here to Stay in 2024

Delve into the reasons behind dark modes enduring popularity, its impact on user experience and accessibility, and showcase websites that have adeptly embraced this sleek and modern aesthetic.

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Web Design Trends 11 January 2024

Web Design vs. Web Development: What's the Difference?

In the ever-evolving realm of the internet, two crucial disciplines work hand in hand to bring a website to life: web design and web development. These roles, often confused or merged, are distinct but intricately interwoven in the process of creating a website.

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Web Design Trends 11 January 2024

The Art of Crafting Landing Pages for Google Ads Success

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, Google Ads has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to drive targeted traffic and increase conversions. However, running a successful Google Ads campaign is not just about choosing the right keywords and setting the right bid. Your landing page plays a crucial role in determining the success of your campaign.

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Web Design Trends 15 November 2023

The Role of Colour Psychology in Web Design

In the digital age, the success of a website is often measured not only by its functionality and content but also by its visual appeal. Web design has evolved from simple, text-heavy pages to vibrant and interactive platforms that cater to a wide range of user preferences and expectations.

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Web Design Trends 9 October 2023

Latest Graphic Design Trends for Your Branding and Marketing

Graphic design isn't just about aesthetics; it's the language that speaks for your brand. From logos to colours and fonts, visual elements define your business identity and make a lasting impression on customers. Staying attuned to graphic design trends is crucial, as these trends capture audience attention and make your brand appear modern and relevant in a competitive marketplace.

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Web Design Trends 6 September 2023

Best Web App Development Practices for a Competitive Edge

In today's digital world, web applications, or web apps, are the engines behind many online activities, from socialising to shopping. But how are these apps created, and why are they so crucial today?

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Web Design Trends 8 August 2023

Minimalist Web Design: Stripping Down for Maximum Impact

Minimalist web design is more than just a visual aesthetic; it's a philosophy that embodies the elegance of simplicity, precision, and purpose-driven design. It embraces the principle of "less is more," where every design element serves a deliberate role in enhancing the user experience.

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Web Design Trends 10 May 2023

The Benefits of a Custom Designed Website

Learn about the difference between a custom designed website and a template site.

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