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Activate Design Limited

Activate Articles

Some of our insights into topics surrounding our industry; Website design & graphic design trends and mobile app development. Artificial Intelligence (AI) topics. Digital Marketing tips. The latest in Search Engine Optimization you can do yourself etc.



Window shopping on websites

For a customer, website shopping is like going to a store. They will browse for a bit, skim the first bit of written information available, and grab whatever catches their eye - perhaps dashing into a changing room for a quick try.

This is much like browsing websites in that your potential customer will skim your page, flick over your text for the highlights of information they find relevant, and perhaps click on any links that catch their eye and perhaps dash through to your linked pages for more information.

This means you need a clear main website page with easily accessible information, clear readily available information - or highlights of your information where a person can glean the more important factors and sale points of how you can benefit them. Next you need graphics to portray the quality of what you provide, with clearly labelled links to show easy access through to more detailed information and perhaps further imagery - keeping all information clear and concise on your website.

At Activate Design we live and breathe the principals of good website design. We have a fantastic mix of experts in our web development team ; with graphic designers, web developers, printing experts and iPad and iPhone App developers, we can create a website for you that you’ll be proud of. We also can handle your printed stationary in the form of business cards, business stationary and any other printing needs. It's what we do. It's what we love. Contact us today!


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